Our Investment Criteria;
- Entrepreneurial companies should comply with the definition of a SME (The definition should be considered under the latest published declaration by the Ministry of Science Industry and Technology),
- The Project should have the capacity to create differences and provide a competitive advantage at the market or present a new product- service portfolio with a potential of development,
- The company should not have any outstanding tax, social insurance and/or bank debt for immediate payment which is deemed to be unpayable when benchmarked with its expected short term cash flow,
- The owners of projects should be on top of the concerned technicalities of his/her business and also have knowledge about the market, the company’s customers and business administration,
- The project owners should have a feasible business plan,
- The owners of projects and their respective team members should be innovative, experienced, active and honest,
- The investment should be feasable as to exit from on an average of 5-6 years.
Our company invests up to 49% of the shares of a company. We prefer to be the minority shareholder at all times. Investment is made depending on the project’s capital needs and also as following; approximately USD 250,000 for projects at the start-up stage, at least USD 500,000 for information technology projects with an existing company and a range of a minimum of USD 1 million to USD 5 million for the other sectors.
- Girişimci şirketin KOBİ tanımına uyması (Sanayi Bakanlığı’nın son yayınlamış olduğu tebliğ esas alınmaktadır),
- Projenin teknolojik farklılıklar yaratarak, pazarda rekabet avantajı sağlayabilecek olması veya geliştirme potansiyeli olan yeni ürün-hizmet portföyü sunması,
- Girişimci şirketin gelecekte ki nakit akımları ile döndürülemeyecek miktarda muaccel olmuş vergi, SGK prim, banka v.b. borcunun bulunmaması,
- Proje sahibinin teknik ayrıntılara hakim, pazar, müşteriler ve işletmecilik hakkında bilgi sahibi olması,
- Proje sahibinin uygulanabilir bir iş planına sahip olması,
- Proje sahibinin ve ekibinin vizyonu geniş, deneyimli, güvenilir, çalışkan ve dürüst olması,
- Yatırımdan ortalama sonraki 5-6 yıl içerisinde çıkılabileceğine inanılması.
Investment Conditions
Apply Now
Once we receive your submitted application, the evaluation process will be based on our investment criteria and strategies and on three stages. If you think that your project fulfills our investment criteria and wish for it to be evaluated, please send the application form in full at your earliest convenience.